Giuliani Notes,  President 2008,  Rudy Giuliani

Giuliani Notes: Time Magazine – Rudy 35% McCain 20% Gingrich 11% Romney 10% Thompson 10%


Edwards’ Momentum Continues/Giuliani Still Leads Among Republicans

Giuliani Continues to Lead Among Republicans

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani continues to hold a double-digit lead over John McCain, the next closest Republican candidate. When registered Republicans are asked to choose among McCain, Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich or Fred Thompson for the nomination, Giuliani holds a 15 point lead over McCain with Gingrich, Romney and Thompson continuing to trail behind (35% Giuliani vs. 20% McCain vs. 11% Gingrich vs. 10% Romney and 10% Thompson).

When asked for a second choice for the Republican nomination McCain and Giuliani are on top at 22% and 21% respectively. Behind them are Gingrich (15%), Romney (14%) and Thompson (9%).

Trial Heats: Giuliani and McCain Edge Clinton, Giuliani and Obama Dead Heat


Rudy – 35%

McCain – 20%

Gingrich – 11%

Romney – 10%

Thompson – 10%

If the reader wants to read Wonkette’s Ana Marie Cox’ lame analysis it is here.

The previous Time Poll GOP NUTS: (March 23-26)

Rudy – 35%

McCain – 22%

Romney – 11%

Gingrich – 12%

Thompson Not polled

Another good poll for the Mayor.

No candidate is threatening his double digit lead in the polls – even with the “gloves off” media bashing of the past 2-3 weeks.



The Rudy Giuliani Files


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One Comment

  • Luther C. Hardy

    In an article posted on his blog, well-known Political Commentator Roger Simon invites his readers to view the Real Clear Politics chart of national Republican Presidential preference polls and conclude for themselves that Rudy Giuliani has heretofore “slaughtered” John McCain. I have taken Mr. Simon up on his suggestion, and from the RCP chart, one is able to determine the following:

    1. Rudy’s RCP average lead over the 2nd place finisher has increased from 13.6 percentage points to 16.4 percentage points in the last week to ten days. This average encompasses the most recent six (6) polls, all taken between 27 March and 09 April 2007.

    2. In a total of 54 Polls, taken between 27 October 2006 and 09 April 2007, Rudy has been the leader in 51 and the co-leader in a 52nd poll.

    3. John McCain was the leader in two polls, taken 08 November 2006 (by 4%) and 22-23 January 2007 (by 4%). In a third poll, taken 11-14 December 2006, Rudy and McCain were tied at 28% each.

    4. Rudy’s average lead, in all 54 polls, has been 10.64%. In the 51 Polls in which he has been the leader, his average margin of victory has been 11.43%.

    5. In the first 53 Polls, John McCain either led (2 Polls), was tied for the lead (1 Poll) or was in 2nd place to Rudy (51 Polls). Only in the most recent LA Times/Bloomberg Poll did Fred Thompson slip in to 2nd place, by 3 percentage points (15%-12%) over McCain, but still 14 percentage points behind Rudy (29%-15%).

    6. In the last 35 Polls taken, since 23 January 2007, Rudy has led every one by an average margin of 14.57% over the 2nd place finisher.

    7. The 54 National Polls currently listed on the RCP Chart were conducted over a period of five months and two weeks by 16 different nationally-recognized polling organizations.

    From these facts, I conclude that Mr. Simon’s choice of words, “slaughtered”, is entirely fair.

    My ultimate conclusion: Run Rudy Run!