Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez on the Fat Gene


Experts issue ‘fat gene’ warning

The discovery of a ‘fat gene’ could lead to the ‘danger’ of obese people giving up trying to lose weight, experts have warned.

It could mean obese people will simply blame the gene for struggling with their weight – rather than eating properly and exercising.

New research has found a common gene, named FTO, found in millions of Britons could be largely responsible for exploding rates of obesity. People with two copies of the gene are almost 70% more at risk of being obese than those having none, and three kilograms heavier on average.

The new findings, which estimates 16% of the population has the gene, is the first research to identify a common, population-wide genetic link to obesity.

Flap thinks understanding the mechanism of obesity through themolecular biology of the gene will lead to customized programs for weight loss and the prevention of obesity in the first place.

Flap wouldn’t invest in any weight loss surgery centers.


The Michael Ramirez Files

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