Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration Watch: Republican National Committee Fires Phone Solicitors


The Republican National Committee has fired all of its phone solicitors due to a rebellion over President Bush’s immigration policy.

There has been a sharp decline in contributions from RNC phone solicitations, another fired staffer said, reporting that many former donors flatly refuse to give more money to the national party if Mr. Bush and the Senate Republicans insist on supporting what these angry contributors call “amnesty” for illegal aliens.

“Everyone donor in 50 states we reached has been angry, especially in the last month and a half, and for 99 percent of them immigration is the No. 1 issue,” said the former employee.

And this is a surprise, how?

Watch the 2008 GOP Presidential candidates begin to run aggressively against the Senate Immigration bill and President Bush.

Polling does not support the bill’s passage.

The Senate takes up the bill again next week.


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Illegal Immigration Watch: The Gang of 12

Rudy Giuliani Watch: Rudy Opposes Senate Immigration Bill

Illegal Immigration Watch: Senate Postpones Immigration Bill

Illegal Immigration Watch: Rush to Border Judgment

The Illegal Immigration Archive

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