Mike Huckabee,  President 2008

Rush Limbaugh – Huckabee NOT a Conservative


No surprise here:

“Ladies and gentlemen, Gov. Huckabee, mighty fine man and is a great Christian, is not a conservative, he’s just not,” Limbaugh said. “If you look at his record as governor, he’s got some conservative tendencies on things but he’s certainly not the most conservative of the candidates running on the Republican side.”

And, El Rusbo also went after McCain, and Rudy.

So, who does that leave to pass the EIB litmus test?

Thompson and Romney


Rush, you still on those pain pills?


  • Allen Fuller

    I am a big Rush fan but find it very sad that he has not done due diligence on Huckabee. He’s squarely in the middle of the conservative camp according to OnTheIssues.org. His solutions are solidly conservative.

    I understand how it happened. Huck’s rhetoric is designed to break stereotypes about conservatives and reach out to people that wouldn’t otherwise listen to a Republican. Frankly, the first time I heard him, my first thought was “Great, a cradle-to-grave socialist.” But later I took time to ignore my gut reaction and the frantic attacks against him, and learn more on my own. I had that Eureka! moment when I suddenly realized not only is he solidly conservative, his communication skills and his bold positions are just what we need to launch the next great Republican revolution and solve many of America’s great problems.

    I’m just disappointed that El Rushbo didn’t take the time to understand this before firing off.