• Mitt Romney,  President 2008

    Joe Carter Trashes Mitt Romney as LIAR

    Joe Carter of the Evangelical Outpost Blog formerly of the Huckabee campaign via Fred Thompson’s campaign but now back to work at the Family Research Council delivers a BLOW to Mitt Romney.

    Mitt Romney will never be President — I won’t be surprised if Mitt Romney wins the Iowa Caucus. I will be surprised, however, if he’s still in the race when the South Carolina primary comes around. Even if the impending scandal that has been rumored for weeks doesn’t derail his campaign (I can’t say what it is but you should hear about it before Jan. 8), his inherent dishonesty will eventually do him in.

    It’s not just his flip-flops on the issues, though that should be enough. (It’s hard to take seriously all those conservatives who bashed John Kerry for being inconstant while turning a blind eye to Romney’s politically expedient changes of heart.) No, what will destroy Romney’s chances is that he will lie about an issue, know that he is lying, know that you know he is lying, and say it anyway. It’s not just that he’s dishonest. It’s that he thinks we’re stupid.

    Now it’s true that in the short term, we do tend to be stupid. Indeed, the reason that Romney’s dishonest campaign tactics have helped him in the short run is that most people have yet to realize–as have the other campaigns and the mainstream media–he is a liar. But eventually the public catches on.

    If he had reserved his dishonest tactics solely for Governor Huckabee he might have got away with it. But he and his campaign (his communications team appears to be just as despicable and unprincipled) send out dishonest attacks on McCain, Thompson, and Giuliani too. Because most of it is done behind the scenes (i.e., scurrilous emails sent to reporters and influential bloggers) it is difficult to point out the most egregious examples. Don’t take my word on it, though. Ask around to the other campaigns and media outlets.

    Supporters of Romney will no doubt be offended by my criticism. I could counter that I’m offended that conservatives are backing a man that, until recently, was just another Massachusetts liberal. Instead I’ll just hold my tongue and wait for Romney’s campaign to implode. His “lie and buy” strategy may get him a narrow victory in Iowa but he’ll flame out soon enough.

    Joe is not the only Romney observer that claims he has a problem with VERACITY.

  • Bill Richardson,  Hillary Clinton,  President 2008

    Bill Richardson Throwing Hillary Over the Side?

    Democratic presidential hopeful, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, speaks in Mason City, Iowa Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2008 on the last day of presidential candidates’ campaigning before the Iowa caucus.

    No VP for Richardson on the Clinton ticket.  But, Obama?

    Guess Richardson figured out that Evan Byah of Indiana had it locked up. Richardson will run for US Senate in New Mexico.

  • John McCain,  President 2008

    McCain to Be Swift-Boated?

    Republican presidential hopeful, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., left, is joined by Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback, Trician Nixon Cox and South Dakota Sen. John Thune on stage as he speaks to supporters during a campaign stop at the Dubuque Jet Center at the Dubuque Regional Airport Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2008 in Dubuque, Iowa on the last day of presidential candidates’ campaigning before the Iowa caucus.

    Rumors abound in the blogosphere about John McCain.

    Is Romney trying to depress McCain’s Iowa numbers?