Capital Punishment,  Death Penalty,  Supreme Court

US Supreme Court to Decide Lethal Injection Rules

The old San Quentin, California Death Chamber last used with the Stanley Tookie Williams execution

The United States Supreme court will take up whether execution by lethal injection is unconstitutional – cruel and unusual punishment.

Flap wishes these bleeding heart federal judges, like Jeremy Fogel in California had more concern for the victims of these perp’s heinous crimes.

So, make the rules, inject them with one drug or hang the creeps.

If anyone thinks this will deter the anti-death penalty cabal…….


  • Sandra

    I must speak my mind

    Is Lethal injection cruel???
    Hmmm is raping a child cruel/???
    shooting a person and letting them lie suffering in the snow cruel??

    Anyone who takes away the rights of another to die peacefully should be stripped of those rights themselves..

    I have always thought that lethal injection was too easy.

    What has our world come to when we let death row inmates stir up this kind of mess???