Day By Day

Day By Day by Chris Muir January 12, 2008

Day By Day by Chris Muir

Hillary has tried to annoint herself the queen of party by playing the “female card” and crying but she will run into a stubborn Democrat electorate in big states that view this as a ruse to defeat Obama.

Obama is racking up the endorsements and has the cash to compete with Hillary through Super Duper Tuesday, February 5.

How dare he?

On the GOP side, Mitt Romney and now John McCain are attempting to use momentum to drive other candidates out of the race.

Likewise, it will not happen. Rudy is in; Huckabee, plus Thompson and Romney will stick around – why not?

February 5 will be an interesting day in primary season. But, Flap bets the primary race for 2008 continues through April and perhaps to convention time in the Fall.

One Comment

  • Ling

    I wouldn’t make any predictions until after South Carolina for the Dems and Florida for the GOP. This race is different from previous ones, and the dynamics are like, totally reversed. Normally, South Carolina is the decider for the GOP. You might just find a few candidates on both sides dropping out before Feb 5. But then, no predictions…