President 2008,  Rudy Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani Watch: Why I am Voting for Rudy


A Florida voter discusses why she will be voting for Rudy Giuliani for President

But, you will never hear this from the MSM because Rudy is either fading, has money problems or cannot win for a myriad of other reasons.

This sentiment was the same when Giuliani was running as a Republican for New York City Mayor against a city full of Democrats.

Flap would not underestimate the Mayor’s strength in Florida and in the February 5 Super Duper Tuesday states, including California.


  • Dennis

    If you haven’t seen the video of Rudy in Pompano Beach today on his website, I suggest you check it out. This is the Rudy that I know.

  • Dennis

    Thanks. You are always on the ball. I have reached the stage in this campaign where I will be relying on Rudy’s site and your site. I can’t stand the meaningless crap from the media and the absurd arguments from the Rombots and others at Race42008.

    It is now time to just wait and see what happens.

  • Joe Sanscrainte

    I was in midtown on 9/11 when tragedy struck, and I can say with authority that Rudy’s performance on that day and in the days afterward was heroic. From great tragedies, great heroes emerge, and that’s exactly what happened on that day. Rudy’s actions during the greatest crisis in American history is enough to earn him my vote, and anyone who says that’s “all” Rudy talks about should be ashamed of themselves for making light of an event that killed 3,000 Americans on American soil. If you were in NYC on 9/11, you know exactly what I’m talking about. The fact is, however, Rudy spends the vast majority of his time talking about how he plans to bring accountability to Washington, and get rid of corruption, in the same way he did it in NYC. Rudy took a failing city, and turned it back into the “Greatest City in the World.” This takes vision, guts, determination, and courage – and Rudy is the only candidate who has what it takes to defeat “business as usual” in DC. Cut taxes, cut spending, stay strong – that’s Rudy. If you think the next 4 to 8 years are going to be a smooth ride, vote for any other candidate – but if you think we’re in for some major changes requiring big decisions, your only choice is Rudy. NOW is the time for Rudy’s supporters to spread the message, to their family, friends, everyone – vote Rudy!

  • JSoy

    I used to like and respect Rudy Giuliani
    I have banned this user as a troll………
    I’m looking for alternatives to Giuliani. Any suggestions?

  • Flap

    And, what campaign are you from?

    The taxpayer funds story was debunked and everything else you mentioned is BS.

