Day By Day

Day By Day by Chris Muir January 14, 2008

Day By Day by Chris Muir 

John McCain receives no scrutiny by the MSM. What a SHOCKA! He is the media darling because he is a “MAVERICK.”

Actually, John McCain is a Democrat who supports big government and more taxes. He is like his pal, Joe Lieberman – a pro-war Hawk Democrat. Didn’t he once flirt with leaving the GOP?
The media war on Civil Rights between Obama and Hillary Clinton is even more interesting.

Obama’s father (the black genes) was from Africa who did not live here much and to my knowledge participate in the Civil Right’s movement and his mother is white.

Hillary’s husband, former President Bill, is touted by some as the nation’s first “Black” President.

A little more daylight needs to be shown on this candidates by the blogosphere, me thinks.