John McCain,  President 2008

Is John McCain the Inevitable GOP Nominee?


With Rudy Giuliani’s fade, blatant unwillingness to attack John McCain, with Fred Thompson’s withdrawal, with Mike Huckabee’s broke campaign leaving Florida and with Mitt Romney’s failure to catch on after spending gazillions of his own bucks, is John McCain the ONLY one left standing?

Is John McCain, the inevitable GOP nominee?

Yes and no.

Conservatives will NEVER work for McCain and Flap doubts that once the Clinton Cabal and Democrat media machine start to work on McCain his sudden resurgent media popularity will melt as fast as ice cream in the August California heat.

It is conceivable that the other candidates could win sufficient number of delegates to deny him the nomination until the convention. For example, Rudy and Romney could win sufficient Congressional Districts in California to split the convention delegation. Likewise, Rudy could come back and win New York and New Jersey – maybe Florida as well. Huckabee might win some southern states like Georgia.

GOP voters, however, will soon realize that McCain is a 71 year old Bob Dole while Hillary rides her gender card all of the way to the White House.

Will there be a September GOP convention uprising should McCain win a plurality but not a majority of delegates? And, who would be a compromise candidate?

Or will the GOP be simply acquiescent in riding the old horse to collapse?


  • Flap

    Sadly, Rudy has faded in all of the polls since the Fall and the latest California Field poll does not look good.

    Guess we will find out next Tuesday.

  • Dennis

    I have reached the point where I no longer follow the polls. I can make the following observations:

    As a Rudy volunteer in California, I have some 2,000 calls to voters in the state. I have found very little support for McCain. Many volunteers whom I know have found the same results.

    I will be calling Florida voters tomorrow for Rudy. I will give you my impressions ater I complete the task. Also, I will be on a conference call tomorrow evening with the campaign in Florida. To the extent that I can. I will give you the feedback.

    As far as the post indicating Romney will battle McCain in California, personally, I would never vote for Romney. He is a flip-flopping fraud, and unelectable in a general election. My guess is that many people feel the same way about him, given his his negatives among voters.

  • Flap

    The race is very fluid. The latest poll from Florida has Romney in first and Rudy in second.

    Given, Rudy’s all out push in Florida and organization I would give him an edge there.

    Since Arnold will not endorse in California and since the election is by Congressional District the California race may be mixed up – regardless of who wins the popular overall vote.

    The polls are all over the place and nobody will really know until next Tuesday.

    It may be a “BROKERED CONVENTION.”

  • Dennis


    Rudy’s pollster Ed Goeas will be on the conference call I will hear tomorrow evening. Ed is highly respected, and calls them as he sees them.

    I imagine you have seen or read that former Florida congressman Clay Shaw has endorsed Rudy.

  • Dennis

    A man could go nuts over polls. Strategic Vision has Rudy a close seccond behind McCain. I hear that a Survey USA poll out tomorrow has Rudy a close second behind McCain.

  • Samantha

    Here are the details on the St Pete pollster:

    Have a look at Tom Eldon( Pollster’s bio).

    Thomas Eldon, MA, University of Kent
    Thomas Eldon joined Schroth & Associates in 1996 after an extensive early career in electoral politics working in legislative, statewide and grassroots lobbying campaigns in Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, and Florida. View more about Thomas »

    Thomas Eldon took responsibility as managing officer during the 2004 election cycle; and in 2006 was lead pollster for the Florida House Democratic Caucus. In 2006, the caucus reversed a 14-year period of having failed to flip one single seat with a record setting seven pick-ups without a single Democratic loss.

    As a Republican, you do not want an endorsement from this rag. It is very liberal and will do anything to tank a Republican that might beat a Democrat.

    As for FL, Rudy is looking really good and the polls are basically garbage. Some are robocalling like Rasmussen who was outed in FL for his bad polls. Polls since most people now have cell phones need filed in File 13.

    You need to look who is doing the polls. Strategic Vision had some odd clients and some of the polls do mostly liberal organizations. The one in NY left out NYC for the most part.

    Will give the advice we were given by the campaign in December — ignore all the polls except the ones on election day. Rudy’s trackers have over 40,000 absentee ballots accounted for and he has the only ground game in FL. I choose the people on the ground in his campaign I have learned to know over the past year versus pollsters who haven’t been right yet. We were told up front it would be a bumpy ride through the early states until we got to FL.

    Have family all over FL and they are confident that Rudy will win. BTW, received a call from someone today that has a special ops background and his opinion of the Swartzkopf endorsement of McCain wasn’t much.

  • Flap

    I continue to be nervous and skeptical on all of the polls. The race is close and will play out on Tuesday.

    Will the Florida debate make any difference tomorrow night?

  • Samantha

    240,000+ have already voted in FL and according to reports there is still room for more growth so the debate could make a difference.