Day By Day

Day By Day by Chris Muir January 30, 2008

Day By Day by Chris Muir

John McCain’s positions on the various issues are NOT very different than the Democrats. So, besides Rudy Giuliani endorsing him what is the incentive to support him for the Presidency?

And, Romney, who the hell knows what his true positions are since he changes them each week.

Looks like Flap will be sitting this general election out unless someone can convince me via GOP running mate that McCain may be acceptable and for one term ONLY.

For now, Flap will sit by the sidelines. As to whom I will give my vote next Tuesday in the California closed GOP Primary election……it won’t be Ron Paul.


  • Naruto

    Flap, I’m a Rudy guy too.. If he endorses McCain..

    Thats who he wants us to vote for..

    I cannot vote for Romney, as i do not trust him AT ALL.. so..

    It doesn’t matter With Rudy out of it, I do not think mcCain or mitt can beat hillary or Obama.

    With Rudy out, the whole election is over, we are Doomed.