
links for 2008-01-31


  • Dennis

    I think Mark Halperin makes some good points about Rudy’s campaign. For instance, I have always thought that Rudy could have won New Hampshire. He should have written off Iowa completely and spent much more time in the Granite State. I recall that about 6 weeks out of the New Hampshire primary, Rudy drew even with Romney in the polls but did not take advantage by campaigning heavily in the state.

    Moreover, many of us working for him became concerned about the fact that he waited so long to go up with TV ads, particularly in New Hampshire and South Carolina ( where he was also polling well ). As Halperin points out, he ran radio ads and had direct mailing in the early states, but was late with TV ads.

    I don’t know about Halperin,s points about smoozing the press–the implication being that his campaign didn’t kiss their behinds. His remaining points have some validity.

    If Rudy had won New Hampshire, things would look much different today.