John McCain,  President 2008,  Rudy Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani on Obama vs. McCain Judicial Philosophy

It is good to hear from Rudy again, particularly in an area where he is extremely well versed – the federal judiciary and the law.

Without a doubt, Rudy is the best qualified of all of the candidates for President in this area and why Flap thinks that, should he want it, will be appointed Attorney General by a President John McCain. Rudy may wish to run for Governor of New York and decline.

During his campaign for the Presidency, Rudy made the case for “originalist” judges and was the most outspoken on the need for conservative appointments to the federal bench. He was endorsed by conservative judicial activist Ted Olson, a former Solicitor General of the United States.

McCain has made a start with his speech yesterday but Flap thinks he would be best to let Rudy do this heavy lifting against the Democrats on this issue during the campaign.