Rudy Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani Watch: Redo Rudy for New York Governor?

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani addresses California Presidential

Volunteers in Burbank, California, November 13, 2007

Patrick Ruffini has a piece up today regarding Rudy Giuliani’s future political career.

Flap thinks a re-do Rudy is very probable since New York is more his element than Iowa or South Carolina.

But, Rudy needs better communications staff and strategists who are willing to attack his personal baggage head-on. No excuses and no obfuscation.

Giuliani needs to regain the edge he exhibited as the Mayor of New York City.

If Rudy can put the past behind him, he will be an easy winner against the corrupt Democrat regime of Governor’s Elliot Spitzer and David Paterson.

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