Day By Day,  John McCain

Day By Day by Chris Muir October 30, 2008 – RINO Virus

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Day By Day by Chris Muir

From Rich Lowry at National Review:

McCain earned his chops as the media’s favorite Republican senator by being a maverick, or in a less exalted formulation, a gadfly. He pursued pet causes inimical to his party, such as campaign-finance reform, and made it his role to tell fellow Republicans what he considered hard truths.

None of this endeared him to Republican primary voters. He won the nomination anyway on the basis of his admirable support for the surge (adopted when he was in typical gadfly mode) and a few stock lines. He became the Republican nominee by default, without an organization or fundraising operation to speak of, and soon enough lost the press, too.

McCain’s rapport with the media depended on snarky banter about his own party and about himself. That couldn’t continue in the general election, so McCain’s campaign cut him off. His lifeline to his former admirers denied to him, McCain became a demonstrably unhappy warrior.

Rich like Chris Muir’s political cartoon above is absolutely RIGHT. McCain was never the favorite of conservatives or even the GOP base for the Republican Party Presidential nomination. Rudy Giuliani’s personal baggage sunk his candidacy while Mitt Romney’s flip-flops did him in. Mike Huckabee was never a serious contender but a spoiler for the Mormon Romney. Fred Thompson did not have the energy to mount a strong campaign.

McCain became the easy default candidate.

McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin has energized the vast right-wing conspiracy base and is a portent for the coming renewal of the Republican Party. New, accomplished and younger GOP candidates will burst upon the scene in the next few years while the “old soldier” candidates fade away.

A new generation of candidates who will support the Republican Party and not be gadflies will lead the party from the wilderness of 2006 and 2008.

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