
links for 2008-11-03

  • Imagine if John McCain had whispered somewhere that he was willing to bankrupt a major industry? Would this declaration not immediately be front page news? Well, Barack Obama actually flat out told the San Francisco Chronicle (SF Gate) that he was willing to see the coal industry go bankrupt in a January 17, 2008 interview. The result? Nothing. This audio interview has been hidden from the public…until now. Here is the transcript of Obama's statement about bankrupting the coal industry
    The MSM never vetted Obamessiah. What the frak do you expect?
    (tags: barack_obama)
  • ABC's Jake Tapper managed to get Sen. Barack Obama's attention on the tarmac in Springfield, Mo., this morning.

    "What would you tell your Treasury secretary to do differently with the $700 billion?" he asked, according to the pool report.

    Obama laughed.

    "It's a substantive question!" Tapper shouted.

    "It is! But Jake, we're on a tarmac! That's a pretty good question!" Obama responded.

    Tapper: "Have a press conference then!"

    Obama: "I will! On Wednesday!"
    If you are lucky "The One" will answer questions on Wednesday – but don't count on it.

    (tags: barack_obama)