Timothy Geithner

Timothy Geithner Confirmed as Treasury Secretary – The Roll Call Vote: 60 – 34

Timothy Geithner confirmed

New York Federal Reserve Bank President Timothy Geithner, U.S. President Barack Obama’s nominee for Treasury Secretary, testifies at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Finance Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington,  January 21, 2009. The Senate confirmed Geithner as Treasury secretary on January 26, 2009.

Here is the Roll Call Vote in the United States Senate:


Flap would have voted NO because of Timothy Geithner’s tax obfuscation.

Why ANY GOP Senator voted for this nomination is beyond me. They are:

  • Corker (R-TN)
  • Cornyn (R-TX)
  • Ensign (R-NV)
  • Graham (R-SC)
  • Gregg (R-NH)
  • Hatch (R-UT)
  • Shelby (R-AL)
  • Snowe (R-ME)
  • Voinovich (R-OH)

NOTE: Flap will never support monetarily ANY GOP Senator that voted to confirm Geithner.

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  • Ninefingers

    I emailed Senator Shelby (R-AL) yesterday requesting that he not vote for Timothy Geithner. After hearing the vote, I called his Washington office and asked if it was correct that he voted for Timothy Geithner. The receptionist confirmed his vote and when I asked if had given a reason why, she said he had not. I told her to please pass on my displeasure over his vote and I hope that he will immediately come out with an explanation as to why he voted Yea.

    This is so frustrating. Btw, after a few google searches, this was the only place I could find the list of who voted for what. Thank you for providing this information to the public.

    How depressing,
