
Plastic Surgery Tax to Help Fund Obamacare?


And, why not Pelosi and Biden already got theirs, right?

Face-lifts, tummy tucks and hair transplants could be hit with a new tax to help finance the trillion-dollar healthcare overhaul plan, according to sources familiar with the Senate talks.

The Senate Finance Committee has discussed imposing a 10 percent excise tax on cosmetic surgery deemed unnecessary for medical purposes. The idea was broached in a meeting with OMB Director Orszag in mid-July, after which Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus told reporters he had heard some “interesting,” “creative,” and “kind of fun” ideas.

The tax, which has not been officially scored, would plug some of the revenue gap senators are seeking to fill to keep on schedule for a markup the week of Aug. 3. It would target procedures prohibited under Section 213 of the tax code, which deals with itemized deductions for medical expenses not covered by health insurance.

The 1990 deficit-reduction law prohibited taxpayers from taking deductions for cosmetic surgery “unless the surgery or procedure is necessary to ameliorate a deformity arising from, or directly related to, a congenital abnormality, a personal injury resulting from an accident or trauma, or a disfiguring disease.”

The law defines cosmetic surgery as “any procedure which is directed at improving the patient’s appearance and does not meaningfully promote the proper function of the body or prevent or treat illness or disease.”

According to the IRS, deductions for procedures such as reconstructive surgery due to cancer or laser eye surgery would be allowed. But nose jobs, liposuction, teeth-whitening procedures and Botox injections to smooth wrinkles would be prohibited under Sec. 213 and subject to the new tax.

Of course, the bureaucrats will then decide which is defined as a cosmetic procedure and which will be surcharged – and how much. Then, there are the states who will also excise tax “cosmetic procedures.” The taxation will NEVER end – for all of those rich bastards who dare improve their own appearance at the expense of some homeless SOB who only cares about his wine bottle.

Gotta spread the wealth around…..

But, what about veterinarian procedures for your cat and dog? Certainly those people are rich and should pay for something, right?

Obamacare gets whacked out more and more every day…….

Good luck with passing this BS, Democrats in Congress, and waive good bye when you pull the yes switch.

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