
links for 2010-02-07

  • California's Democratic Party just debuted, a website devoted to ripping US Senate candidate Carly Fiorina as the "19th Worst CEO of All-Time."

    Not to get all nit-picky, Dems, but Ms. uh, Failorina, as you refer to her, is running for SENATE. Not "governor," as you state on the site.

    We've got 12 percent unemployment in the state. Give us a call. We know a lot of laid-off copy editors who would love the work.

    Could it be that the Dems may be a little TOO pre-occupied with the Republican billionaire and (near-billionaire)running against their candidate….uh…uh…oh, yeah, they don't have a declared one yet.
    Well, make up your mind….

  • Starbucks has brushed aside a request from a gun control advocacy group to ban the display of guns in its retail locations, saying it will abide by laws that allow patrons to openly carry unloaded weapons.

    The national Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence made the request in the wake of a series of meetings in local restaurants over the past few months by Bay Area Open Carry, a group that hopes to make it legal to carry loaded guns in California. Peets Coffee & Tea and California Pizza Kitchen responded to similar requests by banning displays of weapons in the companies' coffeehouses and restaurants.

    (tags: starbucks Guns)