• Sharon

    The more I hear Meg Whitman the more I believe she can pull this state (California) out of the pitiful mess it is in! I believe she has the right ideas and sees a big picture of the problems and solutions. Not everybody is going to like everything she is wanting to do however it still needs to be done for the sake of the future of this state.

  • Darrell

    Meg Whitman is totally off base with her statement regarding public pensions; I am one of those public employees and have been for 28 years, I am currently 57 and yes I can retire but I am only entitled to 51% of my salary, not the 100% @ 55 as Meg claims.

    As a public employee my salary is much, much lower than that of someone doing the same work in the private sector, but the trade off was supposed to be better benefits, much of those benefits have been stripped away over time for the average worker. I have seen long-time co-workers retire after 30 years of service only to recieve a pension so low that they could just about qualify for food stamps. If this trend continues then most public workers will become a burdon on the taxpayers once they retire.

    Just to clarify, my comments do not reflect the lucrative benefits of the ‘safety’ employees (Police/Fire) or that of those in the Health care proffession but that of those worker at the bottom of the food chain but are necessary for day to day operations.