Carly Fiorina

Carly Fiorina Said To Be Looking At Run For Chairman of California GOP?

"I’ve spoken to two sources close to the Carly Fiorina who says she is seriously considering running for chair of the California Republican Party.

The former Hewlett-Packard CEO waged a valiant, consistently conservative campaign against the execrable Sen. Barbara Boxer, and although she lost by 10 points, there is general agreement she ran a much better, more principled campaign than Meg Whitman.

If she decides to go for it, count me as a supporter for Fiorina for CRP Chair. The state party is a wreck, GOP registration numbers are in the basement, and we desperately need a conservative of stature who can reach out and build a center-right coalition, speak the language of conservatism while not alienating independents — and not least, possesses the credibility to convince donors to fund a state party that is a financial shambles. Although, one advantage of taking the helm of the CRP now is there is nowhere to go but up."


The California Republican Party is a disaster and the Chairperson has NO real power. California is a solid blue state and will be for the foresseable future – maybe even decades.

Carly should take my advice and become a Fox Business Network contributor and get back to business where she is the strongest.

If she is interested, there will be a number of Republican candidates who will be running for President that will need a finance chairperson as well.

Hello, Sarah Palin.

But, for Carly to run for a meaningless state position that has no real gravitas or future is well – fruitless.

tags: Carly_Fiorina California_GOP

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