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Flap’s Links and Comments for March 12th on 18:52

These are my links for March 12th from 18:52 to 18:55:

  • Wisconsin: The Left’s Second-Half Game Plan – Wisconsin’s Supreme Court – Second-Half Game Plan: Firedoglake’s David Dayen on the labor-Dem plans to fight back in Wisconsin after losing their battle with Gov Walker. The most intriguing wrinkle is the scheduled state Supreme Court election:

    The matchup between David Prosser (R) and JoAnn Kloppenberg (D) for the state Supreme Court on April 5 just got very interesting. It’s a statewide vote, and the balance of power on the state Supreme Court is at stake.  …. If Democrats win, the legality of what took place tonight [i.e. passing Walker's plan-ed.] may be put in greater question.

    Will Wisconsin voters feel comfortable turning a judicial election into, in effect, a referendum on a law Democrats don’t like? Will the other 3 Democratic-appointed Supreme Court judges play along with this slightly banana-republicy game?


    I doubt the other Justices would vote in lockstep to get rid of a dem unpopular law.

    Do they not have the referendum in Wisconsin?

  • President 2012: Mitch Daniels Showing More Signs of 2012 Run – There’s no doubt Indiana’s budget-cutting governor would be in a good position among Republican elites, among whom his fortunes have risen the most in recent months according to a recent poll. National Journal quotes one anonymous GOP political operative: "Increasingly seen as the anti-Obama — no flash and slogans, but real leadership and a plan.” Approval from party elites does not a primary winner make, but if the movers and shakers in the GOP throw him enough support, it could encourage Daniels to run.

    Signaling that he may indeed have national ambitions, Daniels is heading to D.C. this weekend, his third trip the nation’s capital in a month. Saturday night he’ll be speaking at the annual Gridiron Dinner as the Republican guest, joining his would-be opponent in 2012, Barack Obama. The next day, he’ll be appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press, Daniels’s first Sunday morning talk show appearance outside of Fox News Sunday.


    Perhaps but why not?