Politics,  Samuel Alito,  Supreme Court

Samuel Alito Watch: Concerned Alumni of Princeton and Democrat Desperation – Witness PULLED

DailyPrinceton.com: CAP critic dropped from Alito witness list

Dujack ’76 regrets controversial op-ed, will not testify before Senate committee

An alumnus tapped by Democrats to testify in next week’s Senate hearings on Samuel Alito ’72 will no longer appear, removing the only witness slated to speak specifically about a controversial conservative alumni group of which Alito was a member.

Stephen Dujack ’76, an environmental writer, had been outspoken in his condemnation of the group, Concerned Alumni of Princeton, which during the 1970s criticized the University’s move to coeducation and adoption of affirmative action. Opponents of Alito’s nomination to the Supreme Court had seized on his membership in the group to show that he is out-of-step with mainstream America on core issues.

Though it wasn’t immediately clear why Dujack was removed from the Democrats’ witness list, some observers believe he was vulnerable to attacks over an April 2003 Los Angeles Times column he wrote that compared animals killed in slaughterhouses with victims of the Holocaust.

The piece written by Dujack: Alito needs to shed his CAP

Almost 20 years ago, the Concerned Alumni of Princeton (CAP) collapsed like a modern House of Usher, so rotten from within from its own deceptions and peculiar madness that it could no longer sustain its own weight. For Supreme Court nominee Judge Samuel Alito ’72, the reappearance of CAP in the national press last week because he included it on that now infamous 1985 job application must have been as shocking as the reappearance of Roderick Usher’s dead twin sister in Poe’s famous story.

Or, it should have been. At the very least, Judge Alito will have to explain to the Senate Judiciary Committee why he paid dues to an outfit whose modus operandi was deceit and dirty tricks. He will have to explain how he permitted himself to belong to an organization that was overtly racist and sexist for its entire 14-year existence ­— at times passionately so, too.

Dujack is a LEFTIE NUT CASE and after outing the Democrats pulled him to avoid embarassment.

This entire issue of CAP is ludicrous.

But….. the Democrats are DESPERATE to defeat Alito.

Stay tuned……..


Samuel Alito Watch: Concerned Alumni of Princeton and Democrat Desperation

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  • Terry Capshen

    I believe a man who at the age of thirty-five years old embraces elitist {racist and sexist} causes at the expense of a large percentage of the people in the USA, should be appointed to interpret questions of law of justice involving the very people he considers inferior or unworthy of his educational experience. I believe my good conservative friends should espouse a simple law to strengthen the USA economical fabric. Any USA bank that can be proven to discriminate as a general Mode of action in its lending operations will lose FDIC insurances for five years. Much of the inequality of position in this USA is directly supported by the inability of most of the minority population to have use of housing or commerce. I’ve seen whites receive loans for business start-up without a written business plan. I’m not so lucky nor have ever known another black american to be so. Let America bring Justice to the financial system that is ever eager to use my tax money to insure the very banks and Credit Unions that require my loan scores to be exceptional

  • nick

    Dujack is a LEFTIE NUT CASE and Alito is a RIGHTIE NUT CASE so let us hope neither gets on the supreme court!