• ABC,  Jay Carney,  Joe Biden

    Jay Carney to Leave Time Magazine and Become Joe Biden’s FLACK


    This is hilarious.

    Of course, Jay Carney is leaving for a government job.

    Jay Carney is leaving Time magazine after 20 years to be President-elect Biden’s communications director in the White House, astonished magazine and gleeful transition sources said.

    Carney’s title will be assistant to the vice president and director of communications. TIME.com’s “The Page” first reported his new job.

    Carney, the magazine’s Washington bureau chief, is one of Washington’s best-known talking heads, with regular appearances on ABC’s “This Week,” “The McLaughlin Group” and MSNBC’s “Hardball.”

    Time Magazine is failing just like the rest of the MSM and Carney can read a spreadsheet.

    So, when you get your GUY elected – jump at the chance, RIGHT?

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