• Democrats,  GOP

    Poll Watch: Democratic Party ID Drops – Tying Lowest in 22 Years

    So says the Gallup Poll.

    In 2010, 31% of Americans identified as Democrats, down five percentage points from just two years ago and tied for the lowest annual average Gallup has measured in the last 22 years. While Democrats still outnumber Republicans by two points, the percentage identifying as independents increased to 38%, on the high end of what Gallup has measured in the last two decades.

    The Gallup Daily tracking poll, initiated in 2008, shows similar party identification figures for 2010 — 32% Democratic, 28% Republican, and 37% independent. The tracking data also show the same trend toward declining Democratic identification coupled with greater increases among independents than Republicans.

    I guess President Obma, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have been good for one thing: Helping the Republican Party.