• Michele Bachmann,  President 2012

    President 2012: Michele Bachmann and Her Police Reports

    In this June 18, 2011 photo, Republican presidential hopeful Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., is showered with glitter after speaking at the AFP RightOnline Conference in Minneapolis. This year, for some liberal activists, the guerrilla tactic of choice is a shower of glitter tossed from close range

    Totally appropriate responses in my book.

    With a penchant for tough talk and polarizing positions, Republican presidential contender Michele Bachmann is a magnet for controversy — and there’s a trail of police reports to prove it.She and her staff over the years have requested police protection or investigations when her house was egged; when protesters threw glitter on her or held up critical signs; when her campaign yard signs were stolen; when a man wrote an email perceived as a threat; and when she screamed that two women were holding her hostage “against my will” in a city hall restroom.

    Read all of the piece, if you can stomach the left-wing slant.

    But, I hate to tell the writer for the Miami Herald, throwing glitter in someone’s face is an assault and if the glitter actually lands it is a battery. The act is called a CRIME – whether you are a homosexual, righteous in your own mind or otherwise.

    If someone blocks my path out of a restroom, the cops are going to be called and I am going to sue you for false imprisonment. So, don’t stalk people, POLS or otherwise.

    And, if some moron writes a threatening e-mail or eggs my house, the Capitol police and/or the local police are going to be called to investigate the matter.

    I guess I have a history too since I called the cops when someone dumped a bag of manure on my front door steps back in the 1980’s in response to a letter to the editor i wrote in a local newspaper.

    So, Michele Bachmann is some sort of NUTTER because she calls the police?

    Come on…..