• Gay Marriage

    Los Angeles Dodger Jeff Kent Supports California Proposition 8 to Protect Traditional Marriage

    jeff kent for prop 8

    Los Angeles Dodger Jeff Kent

    Former San Francisco Giant and current (free agent) Los Angeles Dodger Jeff Kent has come out against gay marriage.

    Jeff Kent, who played second base for the Los Angeles Dodgers this season, has stepped into the emotional world of same-sex marriage, giving $15,000 to backers of the California proposition on Tuesday’s ballot that would ban it.

    In a disclosure filed with the California secretary of state, Kent listed his occupation as professional baseball player for the Dodgers and his address as Austin, Texas. He gave the $15,000 in a transaction dated Monday but which only now is public.

    In a political race where even California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has weighed in but done NOTHING for the No on 8 campaign this is an interesting and  positive development. Most sports celebrities avoid politics like the plague.

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