• Barack Obama,  Democrats

    The Coming Second Bill of Rights Under President Obama

    Second Bill of Rights

    The Second Bill of Rights

    Mark Steyn has put his finger on the pulse again.

    Re Sunstein, Obama and Euro-style rights, they may be here sooner than you think:

    Senator Obama’s call for a middle-class rescue plan comes a day after The Blade published a Page 1 open letter to the candidate welcoming him to Toledo and inviting him to endorse a ‘Second Bill of Rights’ that includes Americans’ right to a job where they live.

    Mr. Obama responded to The Blade’s question by agreeing that every American willing to work should be able to find a job at a living wage. But he stopped short of accepting that as a right.

    U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D. Toledo) whipped the crowd up before Mr. Obama took the stage yesterday telling them that America needed a Second Bill of Rights guaranteeing all Americans a job, health care, homes, an education, and a fair playing field for business and farmers.

    With a possible Super Majority in the Congress, the Democrats can and will push their LEFT agenda.

    Count on it……

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