• Bill Clinton,  Hillary Clinton,  James Carville,  Terry McAuliffe

    Democrat HACK Terry McAuliffe to Announce Run for Virginia Governor

    Terry McAuliffe announces his intention to kick off his campaign for VA governor on January 7, 2009.

    Damn, does 2010 look like a Republican year or what? Roland Burris, Caroline Kennedy and now Clintonista and Democrat Party HACK Terry McAuliffe on the Virginia ballot.

    On November 10, 2008, McAuliffe filed to form an exploratory committee for Governor of Virginia.He told reporters that he plans to spend the next few months traveling to “every corner of Virginia” to measure interest in his possible run. McAuliffe told The Washington Post that he is “best suited to carry the Democratic banner because he will campaign as a business leader who can bring jobs to Virginia.”He also cited his ability to raise money for down-ticket Democratic candidates.

    In the primary, McAuliffe is expected to face at least two well-known Democrats who have announced their candidacy. State Sen. Creigh Deeds, 2005 nominee for Attorney General, and Del. Brian Moran, the House Democratic Caucus Chairman, have already joined the race. Virginia Attorney General Bob McDonnell is the only person running thus far for the Republican nomination for governor.

    Wonder if Obama will get on board for Terry? You know Carville and Bill and Hillary will be running the show for Terry.

    A divisive Democrat Primary could help the GOP recapture this seat.

    Stay tuned…….

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