• Animals

    Obama Ready to Announce Vice President?


    Don’t wait up tonight for the e-mail or text as to who Obama’s VP will be. But, the New York Times says Obama has been focusing on

    • Joe Biden
    • Tim Kaine
    • Evan Byah

    Looks like the announcement will be forthcoming though. Flap bets it will leak late tomorrow afternoon.

    Bill Kristol has a different three:

    • Joe Biden
    • Tim Kaine
    • Kathy Sebelius

    Now, will McCain REALLY wait until a week from Friday to name his Vice President? The formal announcement yes. But if McCain has made the decision he will trump Obama on Wednesday or Thursday and not let him have this weekend uncontested.


    Matt Drudge is the first up with the poop:

    The NYT newsroom was buzzing late Monday afternoon after Obama-beat reporter Jeff Zeleny learned how the Dem hopeful has now finalized his choice for a running-mate.

    Obama has set an elaborate roll-out to announce his decision that will begin with an early morning e-mail to supporters, perhaps as early as Tuesday, Zeleny and Adam Nagourney have been told.

    A top source close to Caroline Kennedy tells DRUDGE — the pick is more likely to come early Wednesday morning.

    Drudge’s non-scientific poll has A Wild Card, then Joe Biden in the lead with Evan Byah in third place. Hillary is a close 4th.

    Who will it be? And, when?

    Flap says the leak is anytime now…….

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