John McCain,  Kay Bailey Hutchison

John McCain Watch: Kay Bailey Hutchison for Vice President? Part Two – Post Biden


United States Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas

Dick Morris makes the case this morning for Kay Bailey Hutchison as John McCain’s Vice President.

Biden was the best of the names on Obama’s short list. His experience in foreign affairs, his tough advocacy of the Democratic agenda, and his skill at handling himself will all help Obama’s campaign, but not decisively. The other options were worse. Tim Kaine, governor of Virginia, had as little experience as Obama. Evan Bayh, senator from Indiana, is too soft-spoken and mild for a rough and tumble campaign.

But the most important thing is that Obama did not choose a woman. He needed one.

Now, John McCain can take advantage of Obama’s blunder by coming back with a female nominee for vice president. Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison would be an excellent choice. She’s been around for decades and is not going to start making mistakes now.

Her nomination would be a signal to American women that McCain takes their aspirations seriously, even if Obama does not.

Senator Hutchison from Texas would make a solid choice and a candidate who would be difficult for Biden to attack on either the foreign policy or experience in government issues. Plus, unlike Alaska Governor Sarah Palin,she represents a large southern state which plays to the GOP base. Hutchison is also experienced in business, unlike Joe Biden.

On abortion, Hutchison is considered moderate or pro-choice but her NARAL ratings are very low. Is this the vetting of a pro-choice candidate that Team McCain floated last week? Pro-life Republicans would not be upset with her abortion position as they would with Joe Lieberman or Tom Ridge.

Hutchison is a solid candidate for Vice President. However, she has been quoted as saying she does not want the job and likely is planning a run to be Governor of Texas in 2010.

Stay tuned……


John McCain Watch: Kay Bailey Hutchison for Vice President?

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  • Ted

    Despite the Dems and the allied main stream media’s desperation to see Romney as McCain’s Veep, Mitt is clearly out, with (1) Obama doubling down on the class warfare theme (McCain’s 7 houses) and (2) McCain doubling down with ads showing the hypocrisy of Biden attacking Obama in the primaries — Romney did way more than that contra McCain.

    This leaves only Govs Sarah Palin and Tim Pawlenty. Pro-abortion Ridge and Dem-Lieberman were never real considerations, despite relentless media goading. Pawlenty’s lackluster TV performances, coupled with Palin pizzazz, the primacy of oil drilling and the ticked off women/Hillary voters, does now portend a McCain/Palin checkmate on the Dems. This is so albeit the Dems and liberal media dare not mention Palin’s name, that is, everyone but…..

    And if there’s any question as to Palin being uniquely positioned and able to more than nullify Biden in debate, see the excellent discussion at

    Team McCain, well done!!!

  • antisocialis/antifacist

    “Moderate” on abortion? She has a more solid anti-abortion voting record than McCain! Sounds like great idea to make her McCain’s VP!

  • Joe

    I am not a big fan of McCain, but I would like to see her or some one like her as his running mate. I would have to go back to being involved with the Republican Party agai n with a VP like her. Another nice thing she is a dignified professional woman that I would even be proud to see as a presidential candidate in the future and I am a very conservate indivuidual.

  • James

    Why not Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison for VP under McCain? Seriously, she is qualified, articulate, intelligent, conservative, and female (not to mention a Texan – wahoo). Just think of the wrinkle that would throw at all those feminists and female Clinton supporters. If they want a woman running so badly, let’s give them one that conservatives and men would support. If they don’t support her, they won’t be able to save face because they would have had the chance to put a female and born leader into the 2nd highest office in the US (not to mention give them a great chance to get a female president later when McCain’s term(s) are done.


  • Robert D.

    I just heard her name for the first time tonight, and I’d really be energized for McCain if she got the nod.

  • Paula M.

    With McCain’s experience, he has the luxury to surprise everyone and select a qualified woman for VP. I’m crossing my fingers for the Senator.

  • Pam

    We represent half the population and still have yet to attain vice-president or president. what does it say for america when 3rd world countries and european countries have women as heads of states, but we do not? McCain, are you listening?

  • Texas Calling

    “she has been quoted as saying she does not want the job and likely is planning a run to be Governor of Texas in 2010.”

    Ahh, but that was predicated on Gov. Rick Perry not running in 10 and Perry has since announced he’s running which clears KBH for the McCain ticket.

    Just thought you’d like to know.


  • Pete

    Pam, “what does it say for america when 3rd world countries and european countries have women as heads of states, but we do not?”

    I think you answered your own question…

    But there is something of the “Iron Lady” in Kay that would be glorious.

  • CC

    McCain, please pick Kay Bailey Hutchison–she would be terrififc. If not Kay — then please, some other intelligent woman. You have always surprised people–do it again!