John McCain,  Kay Bailey Hutchison

John McCain Watch: Kay Bailey Hutchison for Vice President?


United States Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas

Why shouldn’t John McCain consider the senior Senator from Texas as Vice President? An attorney and businesswoman she has extensive government experience.

On Fox News this morning former Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro, a Hillary Clinton supporter and former Democrat nominee for Vice President was talking her up as “her friend.”

Hutchison fits Team McCain like a glove. Should she be excluded because she is a Senator?

If Barack Obama chooses Evan Byah, a Senator from Indiana, Flap bets Hutchison goes to the top of McCain’s list.

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  • Fabio

    Few people are talking about her, but I think she makes a lot of sense for a lot of reasons. She shores up Texas and some southern states. She may appeal to some moderate female democratic voters eager to have a female to vote for. I haven’t seen her give a speech or in a debate. So, hopefully she has some skills.

  • Carole

    I think Kay Bailey Hutchinson would be a very wise pick – at this point a lot wiser than the names that I am hearing bandied about.

  • John of New York


  • Jerry of Florida

    Now that we know it is Obama and Biden, I believe Kay would make McCain a sure winner. Her experience is outstanding, she has strong foreign policy sense and her domestic policies will appeal to conservatives, as well as attract Hillary moderates.

  • Flap

    Team McCain will take a real hard look at Kay Bailey. She will come across as genuine whereas Biden as a phony used car salesman.

    Flap handicaps her as a likely choice for VP.

  • Rita of Ohio

    I was a Hillary supporter, but I won’t support Obama. I could get very energized about voting for McCain if he chooses Senator Kay Hutchinson of Texas as his running mate.

  • Rebecca

    I would be ecstatic if the GOP would take the bold move of empowering strong women with the class and character of Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison as the Republican Vice-Presidential nominee! How incredibly awesome would that be and fly in the face of the Democrats who chose to play the game as usual.

  • Carlos for Cypress, TX

    WOW. She would be an outstanding VP. A conservative woman who is currently the most liked politician in the state of Texas. I hope McCain breaks ground here!

  • Marilyn, Dallas

    Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison is a perfect VP to run against Biden. Even though she was moderate on abortion rights in the past, she has worked with conservatives in Texas against partial-birth abortion and for parental notification.

    She is a good, smart politician but also very personable and pleasant. I hope Senator McCain makes her his VP choice.

  • Anonymous


  • Sarai of Pennsylvania

    As a Latina, I really wanted Mrs. Clinton for president. Now, I’m very unhappy with Senator Obama’s choice for vice president. When are women going to be truly taken seriously? I am still angry and very hurt over how Hillary was treated by both the media and the Democratic leadership. I still can’t believe that my party’s leadership could betray such a great and wonderful woman. Senator Hutchiinson seems to be a good choice for vice president according to Geraldine Ferraro. I agree! I hope Senator McCain picks her. If he does, I’ll vote Republican for president for the first time in my life.

  • Jeff, Aventura, FL

    It is hard to understand why Kay Bailey Hutchison is not mentioned at the top of John McCain’s list. If he doesn’t feel he needs to make a bold move like this he is sadly mistaken.

  • Bill, Indiana

    We have been contributors to the Democratic Party for 20 years. My wife was a volunteer for the Hillary Clinton campaign this past spring. We are both devastated by the turn of events. An inexperienced, glib, and smug young man took the election away from the best qualified person ever to run for president; and actually Hillary WON the popular vote. My wife and I have decided to vote for Mr.McCain if he selects Senator Hutchinson as his vice presidential nominee.

  • Tom

    I cannot believe that she hasn’t been the front-runner for VP all year. I am a huge admirer of hers. This would be sensible, conservative, and ground-breaking all at once. JOHN, PLEASE PICK UP KAY BAILEY!!

  • Steve

    What can we do to further this womans’ chances of being picked by McCain?

    As a conservative, I’m iffy about him, but I will vote for him against Obama. I think choosing her would make me feel much better about that vote. AND, she might be the next Republican Presidential Candidate when McCain leaves office.

    I’m in Arizona and have already emailed my position to McCain, but want to work towards her nomination.

  • Rebecca

    While I am a “luke-warm” McCain supporter I could and would become totally committed to his bid for the presidency IF HE CHOOSES KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON AS HIS RUNNING MATE. This is a ticket I can get behind and promote at every opportunity.


  • Andy

    What a GREAT idea!

    Obama has gone with the dull and boring “no change/business as usual” selection.

    McCain has the opportunity to stun the USA with selection of a female VP…….and not a “token”. political selection, but selection of a highly competent, capable individual, who could easily lead this country.

  • Barbara

    If Geraldine Ferrao recommends her I would think twice. Geraldine has been nothing but a trouble maker. And to think as a little girl I once looked up to her.

  • tuan nguyen

    I have always thought that in the end Obama would have choosen Hillary Clinton or another woman. Even though I am a Republican and do not philosophically agree with Mrs Clinton, I have always thought if Obama picks Hillary or another woman, stragically it would be the end of Senator McCain ticket. Now that he decides to pick Biden, I think that’s a best gift for Senator McCain. He now can choose a woman to attract women’s vote. By doing that he shows women he really believes that a woman can be president, a true “Change that We Can Believe In”.
    I think Senator Hutchison, with her strong background, experience and character is a superb choice. Also with the recommendation of Geraldine Ferraro, it further affirms the validation of Bailey Hutchison status because it comes from a high figure from the Democratic party.
    I want to commucicate this message directly to Senator McCain but do not know how. I went to his web site but do not find a place to contact him. I hope somehow he will see this message.

  • Theresa, New Mexico

    REALLY HURT! That’s what I am. Senator Obama just insulted Hillary supporters like me. I want to see a woman on a national ticket. IT’S TIME. It’s long overdue. I hope Senator McCain picks Senator Hutchinson because then I’ll have a real reason to vote for him.

  • Jim, Arizona

    Kay Bailey Hutchison would be perfect as Senator McCain’s running mate. She’s conservative. Female (about time, even for this conservative) but that’s just the beginning. She has rock solid credentials. She’s educated…undergrad and law degrees from U of T / Austin. She’s from the South. She’s loved in Texas. She knows how to campaign. She’s diplomatic. She’s experienced–much, much, much more than Obama!! And, on the other side, the Dems just can’t seem to get it going with women in high public office. With a female on the GOP Ticket, it would immediately place Obama-Biden in deficit mode, from which they’d never recover! And, by gosh, she’s in favor of drilling!! Look out Nancy P!!

  • Magdalena Sanchez

    I have been a democrat all my life, but I am truly disappointed in the way Mr. Obama has treated everyone, especially women, as if we do not count. By not including Hillary Clinton in his ticket, he has offended not only the Clintons, but all of us, females, who believe we deserve the best deserving and most prepared person in the White House, and that is Mrs. Clinton. Therefore, my only choice is to vote for John McCain, to send a message to the Democrat party that they should listen to the voice of the people, and not do whatever they please any more. I really hope that Mr. McCain chooses Mrs. Bailey Hutchison as his Vice-President, and then the Democrats would learn what having guts to make bold moves really mean.

  • James

    Why not Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison for VP under McCain? Seriously, she is qualified, articulate, intelligent, conservative, and female (not to mention a Texan – wahoo). Just think of the wrinkle that would throw at all those feminists and female Clinton supporters. If they want a woman running so badly, let’s give them one that conservatives and men would support. If they don’t support her, they won’t be able to save face because they would have had the chance to put a female and born leader into the 2nd highest office in the US (not to mention give them a great chance to get a female president later when McCain’s term(s) are done.


  • Valerie

    I think that John McCain would be a great match. She’s got all the right stuff and would balance out the Conserv. ticket. There are not many woman in our leadership that have her experience and class. They would get my vote.

  • Maura, New Jersy

    On Bill O’Reilly, Dick Morris said that John McCain should choose Mrs. Hutchison. Unfortunately, O’Reilly said it’s not going to happen. Why? Mr. McCain can’t win without choosing a “game changer,” as the pundits say. I will ONLY vote for McCain if he chooses a strong, competent woman as his runningmate. Women got the vote 88 years ago. It’s time for a woman to be atleast VP, if not President.

  • meb from texas

    we love kay in texas. she has been a great senator. i hope that john mccain will do the smart thing and choose her. i hope she will accept as she has said she doesnt want the job. they would make a winning team!

  • Izus from Dallas

    Kay Bailey Hutchinson has always been a favorite of mine. Her thinking is always clear; her character is worthy; and she knows the government’s needs. McCain could do no better!!!!!

  • Joan

    Pro lifers want Kaye? She is pro-choice. In 2006, KBH received more campaign contributions from large oil and gas corporations than any other member of Congress. With gas prices the way they are, I think this would be a lightening rod for Democrats.

    Kaye Bailey Hutchison–no way.

  • Ken

    I too think Senator Hutchinson would be a great choice agreeing with other members of this audience. I have contacted her on many issues. She is very personable and always responded very quickly. Since this campaign began I thought Senator Hutchinson should be a candidate for President, but, I’ll take Vice President. I believe someone mentioned something like she is a boring speaker, however, I have never noticed. When she speaks I believe Senator Hutchinson and it comes from her heart.

  • Terri

    McCain/Hutchison all the way! I hope McCain will make this the most memorable election ever by giving the country the choice between the first black president & the first woman vice president. Women love Kay!

  • Tricia, Brentwood, TN

    I am 37 and have a 6 year old daughter and 3 year old son. Today, my daughter asked me if there had ever been a girl President. I told her that there should have been one running but it was taken from her. I’m an independent and not a feminazi, however, the moment Kay Bailey Hutchison’s name was mentioned for VP I got very excited that the GOP could dominate in November! The Dems keep trying to say that McCain doesn’t believe in women’s rights or equal pay for women…this choice would put an end to that and prove that he IS the independent thinker he’s always been. The Dems try to paint the GOP as a boys’ club that women are not welcome to participate. Look at all the great women govs and senators we have! Let’s prove them wrong and show the world that the GOP is the place to be for anyone with a strong moral compass, responsible character and belief in the fact that goodness begets Greatness and without goodness, there can be no greatness and prays everyday for the entire world to have the freedoms that we have and fight for everyday!!!

  • John, Sanford, Mi

    Pick a woman and win, pick and old school polititian like Bide and lose!! What a man of Change is Obama, ugh

  • Charles

    Well I like Palin, but knowing what I know she was not a good pick. Truly looking back on this election McCain and Palin were both bad picks. Mitt Romney would of being the overall best choice and I originally wanted McCain and I still like McCain, but we would of one if we picked Romney or Huckabee. Now the two best tickets for this election would of being Romney/Hutchinson or Huckabee/Hutchinson. Now as for McCain he should of picked governor Charlie Crist or Bobby Jindal simple because they wouldn’t of had to worry about Florida so it would of saved them some time and money so they could of focused more on Ohip and Virginia. Or better yet Mitt Romney they would of won.