• Kay Bailey Hutchison,  Polling,  Rick Perry

    Texas Gov. Poll Watch: Perry 39% Hutchison 28% Medina 24%

    I never have understood why Kay Bailey would give up her Senate seat and make a contested run for this job.
    The poll:

    2010 Governor: Republican Primary
    39% Perry, 28% Hutchison, 24% Medina

    (Medina supporters only) Would your second choice for Governor be Kay Bailey Hutchison or Rick Perry?
    43% Perry, 39% Hutchison

    2010 Governor: Democratic Primary
    49% White, 19% Shami, 5% Alvado, 2% Aguado, 1% Glenn

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  • Kay Bailey Hutchison,  Rick Perry

    Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison Jumps Into Texas Governor’s Race


    Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, Senator John McCain and Texas Governor Rick Perry from March 2008

    Kay Bailey Hutchison has established an exploratory committee to “begin the process of organizing a campaign for Governor of Texas.”

    Her statement:

    Today, I am filing an exploratory committee so I can begin the process of organizing a campaign for Governor of Texas. I am not yet a candidate, but Texas law requires this first, important step before an announcement can be made.

    I am transferring $1 million from my Federal account to this new state exploratory committee and will take further steps as they become appropriate.

    Right now, there are a lot of Texans – friends, community and business leaders, Republicans, Democrats, Independents and people who’ve never been in politics – that I want to talk to before becoming a formal candidate.

    While Texas is faring somewhat better economically than many other states, a positive future is not guaranteed. It will take leaders who look ahead to meet the economic and budgetary challenges that are coming.

    Texans deserve a Governor who, in the context of sound budgetary policies and low taxes, works for quality schools and universities, access to health care for our families, communities safe from crime and drugs, and a government that listens and responds to them.

    There’s too much bitterness, too much anger, too little trust, too little consensus and too much infighting. And the tone comes from the top. Texans are looking for leadership and results.

    I am humbled by the number of hard working Texans, including my friend Dick Armey, who have asked me to run for Governor in our state that I love so dearly. And I am honored to serve Texas in the United State Senate, protecting our state’s interests and standing for our values and vision. Texans understand I put Texas first and I will continue to do so while I explore and prepare for a race for Governor of Texas.

    Hutchison is IN.

    The only question is whether incumbent GOP Governor Rick Perry is OUT?

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  • John McCain,  Kay Bailey Hutchison

    John McCain Watch: Kay Bailey Hutchison for Vice President Part Three – The Chatter


    Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, Senator John McCain and Texas Governor Rick Perry from March 2008

    After Hillary Clinton’s speech last night at the Democrat National Convention and recent polling suggesting female dissatisfaction with Barack Obama’s failure to select Hillary as his running mate have led to increasing speculation that John McCain may be considering Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison as his Vice President.

    Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison’s long-shot prospect for vice president is getting a push from conservative and other pundits in the lead-up to next week’s Republican National Convention.

    The latest flurry of speculation online and on cable television constitutes at least a third or fourth wave of chatter about Hutchison, whose name surfaces occasionally as a possible Republican vice-presidential candidate.

    Hutchison, a delegate to next week’s convention, will address the gathering in Minneapolis-St. Paul on the subject of energy independence on Sept. 3, her office announced Tuesday.

    The conventional wisdom at this time points to a Mitt Romney selection (Flap feels unfortunately) but if McCain wants to shake up the election and REALLY take an advantage into the fall, he should consider Hutchison and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

    This would be a signal to American women that McCain and the Republican Party take their political aspirations seriously. Certainly, this would be a way to sway disaffected Hillary Clinton supporters and independents – constituencies the GOP needs to win.

    Stay tuned……


    John McCain Watch: Kay Bailey Hutchison for Vice President? Part Two – Post Biden

    John McCain Watch: Kay Bailey Hutchison for Vice President?

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  • Barack Obama,  Hillary Clinton,  John McCain,  Kay Bailey Hutchison,  Sarah Palin

    Hillary Clinton Watch: Snubbed by Obama But Gets The Speech


    Hillary Clinton although snubbed by the Democrat Party and Barack Obama will be delivering the major speech tonight at the Democrat Convention in Denver.

    And. so how has Hillary been snubbed?

    Jim Geraghty has a list:

    The best of the best Hillary snubs (according to Flap):

    1. She is NOT Obama’s running mate.

    2. Hillary was NOT EVEN Vetted for the Vice Presidency.

    3. Hillary nor Bill were asked for their input on VP selection

    4. The Michigan and Florida delegations were reinstated – after they could have helped her secure the nomination.

    5.The New York Delegation is seated behind North Dakota.

    6. Charlie Rangel was given no speaking role at the convention and Bill Richardson (Carville’s Judas) was.

    Hillary will deliver a good speech tonight but then the Clinton Cabal will work overtime to hype her and undermine Obama – before the Obama coronation on Thursday night.

    In the meantime, Team McCain will woo PUMA Hillary voters with welcome messaging ads. Remember Debra from yesterday.

    Now, John McCain, should he choose Alaska Governor Sarah Palin or Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, would capture sufficient Hillary voters to take the lead in battleground states.

    But, wil McCain boldly choose a female GOP pol over Mitt Romney?

    Only, if McCain wants to win…….

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  • Hillary Clinton,  John McCain,  Kay Bailey Hutchison,  Sarah Palin

    John McCain Watch: The Debra Ad – A Hillary Clinton Supporter Scorned

    The Debra Ad: “I’m a proud Hillary Clinton Democrat,” says Bartoshevich, a nurse, in the 30-second spot. “She had the experience and judgment to be president. Now, in a first for me, I’m supporting a Republican, John McCain.

    As Team McCain steps up his campaign to win over disgruntled Hillary Clinton supporters, remember the old adage about a “woman scorned” – like in the video above.

    On the eve of the Democratic National Convention, the McCain campaign and the RNC have rolled out three ads aimed at winning Clinton supporters. On Sunday, the McCain camp unveiled “Passed over,” an advertisement that highlighted Obama’s decision to pick Joe Biden instead of Clinton as his running mate. Today, the RNC started airing “Was she right?” an ad that featured Clinton’s many criticisms of Obama during the primaries. The McCain campaign also launched “Debra,” an ad that features Debra Bartoshevich, a former Clinton supporter from Wisconsin who was also present at Monday’s press conference.

    A new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll shows McCain and Obama tied with each garnering support from 47 percent of the public. The poll also showed that nearly a third of Clinton supporters now say they will back McCain.

    Now, John McCain must seal the deal with disaffected female voters by naming a prominent woman GOP pol as his running mate: Alaska Governor Sarah Palin or Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison.

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  • John McCain,  Kay Bailey Hutchison

    John McCain Watch: Kay Bailey Hutchison for Vice President? Part Two – Post Biden


    United States Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas

    Dick Morris makes the case this morning for Kay Bailey Hutchison as John McCain’s Vice President.

    Biden was the best of the names on Obama’s short list. His experience in foreign affairs, his tough advocacy of the Democratic agenda, and his skill at handling himself will all help Obama’s campaign, but not decisively. The other options were worse. Tim Kaine, governor of Virginia, had as little experience as Obama. Evan Bayh, senator from Indiana, is too soft-spoken and mild for a rough and tumble campaign.

    But the most important thing is that Obama did not choose a woman. He needed one.

    Now, John McCain can take advantage of Obama’s blunder by coming back with a female nominee for vice president. Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison would be an excellent choice. She’s been around for decades and is not going to start making mistakes now.

    Her nomination would be a signal to American women that McCain takes their aspirations seriously, even if Obama does not.

    Senator Hutchison from Texas would make a solid choice and a candidate who would be difficult for Biden to attack on either the foreign policy or experience in government issues. Plus, unlike Alaska Governor Sarah Palin,she represents a large southern state which plays to the GOP base. Hutchison is also experienced in business, unlike Joe Biden.

    On abortion, Hutchison is considered moderate or pro-choice but her NARAL ratings are very low. Is this the vetting of a pro-choice candidate that Team McCain floated last week? Pro-life Republicans would not be upset with her abortion position as they would with Joe Lieberman or Tom Ridge.

    Hutchison is a solid candidate for Vice President. However, she has been quoted as saying she does not want the job and likely is planning a run to be Governor of Texas in 2010.

    Stay tuned……


    John McCain Watch: Kay Bailey Hutchison for Vice President?

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  • John McCain,  Kay Bailey Hutchison

    John McCain Watch: Kay Bailey Hutchison for Vice President?


    United States Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas

    Why shouldn’t John McCain consider the senior Senator from Texas as Vice President? An attorney and businesswoman she has extensive government experience.

    On Fox News this morning former Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro, a Hillary Clinton supporter and former Democrat nominee for Vice President was talking her up as “her friend.”

    Hutchison fits Team McCain like a glove. Should she be excluded because she is a Senator?

    If Barack Obama chooses Evan Byah, a Senator from Indiana, Flap bets Hutchison goes to the top of McCain’s list.

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