Keith Olbermann,  MSNBC,  Peggy Noonan,  Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Derangement Syndrome Supplanting Bush Derangement?

Peggy Noonan makes the point on MSNBC

Peggy Noonan says the media is “playing” a game to make Sarah Palin the face of the GOP. Of course, we know Noonan is NO fan of Sarah Palin so she is inclined to fuel the fire so to speak – especially on MSNBC.

But, Noonan has a point. Watch the video below:

Keith Olbermann ridiculing Sarah Palin on NBC’s Martha Stewart Show over Turkeygate

Looks like to Flap that NBC and the LEFT which permeates its news AND entertainment shows wish to make Sarah Palin the “NEW” Bush.

After all, President Bush is leaving office and it worked so well demonizing him for electoral success. Why not pick a new charicature – Sarah Palin?

Allah has it RIGHT:

Long story short, the left’s laying a bet that she’ll be easy pickings down the line and the right’s laying a bet that she’s here to save the day. And the pot just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Exit Question: While NBC and the LEFT concentrates on Palin Derangement Syndrome will other GOP stars rise to be the face of the party?

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