Day By Day,  Sarah Palin

Day By Day by Chris Muir July 7, 2009 – Common Sense Sensibly

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Day By Day by Chris Muir

Chris, the Beltway Pundits/Consultants and Party Hacks have vested interests in the predictable and average candidate.

It is easy money for them.

They do not have to wake up in the morning and actually plan on electing a candidate. The candidate does what they say and the campaign runs like clockwork. If they win, it is because of their sage advice. If they lose, they blame it on the candidate.

And, so it is with Sarah Palin.

She is attacked brutally from the LEFT and RIGHT.

So, why not be more independent and make her own way – whether it be in elected politics again or not.

I remember when Ronald Reagan lost to President Gerald Ford at the GOP 1976 Presidential Convention and he returned to the radio waves. He then crafted the themes that carried him to the Presidency just four years later.

Sarah Palin can now, out of office, take her time, raise her young family, make some money with her celebrity status and work on her “A” game. Sarah will be ready – if SHE wants it.


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One Comment

  • Ling

    Just read an article in Politico from Roger Simon. Says that if the elections were held today, Palin would be the Republican nominee. That’s why they’re all scared and trying to pull her down. She’s already the chosen candidate of the base, and only way the rest of the gang can get ahead is if they force her to withdraw. So now it’s just a question of whether Palin can withstand the backbiting and attacks from Republicans. Crazy world, isn’t it? If Palin, Romney, Newt, Jindal, Huckabee and McCain all worked together, they could possibly stand up to the Dems agenda, but instead, that’s nowhere near reality.