Carly Fiorina,  Chuck DeVore

CA-Sen: How is the Chuck DeVorementum?

Justin Hart, new media director for Senatorial candidate and California Assemblyman Chuck DeVore on the left and Chuck DeVore

The momentum for California Assemblyman Chuck DeVore’s U.S. Senate campaign against Carly Fiorina is NOT going so well.

Let’s be clear about something here. DeVore launched his candidacy over a year ago (November 12) and claimed even then that he was trying to emulate the newly-elected President’s fundraising operation. California is an expensive state that would require millions in funds to compete.

DeVore’s campaign announced last week that his campaign crossed the $1 million raised threshold. That’s $1 million raised in roughly 54 weeks. Or less than $250,000 a quarter. Congressional candidates do better than that. Jerry McNerney raised $247,000 in Q3 of this year ($800,000 YTD at that time) and he’s a second-term congressman running for re-election.

In a few years he can run a full 30 second ad across the state for a week. Can you feel the DeVorementum?

Flap has documented DeVore’s lack of campaign cash previously.

And, look at Chuck’s latest fundraising letter touting his endorsement by the Erick Erickson and the Red State blog:

It sounds to me that DeVore has already conceded the election to Carly Fiorina and remains in the race to stick it in the eye of the MAN – meaning the Republican Establishment because they WILL NOT support him financially or otherwise.

Tell me Chuck, are you raising money and staying in this race to win? Or to strke back at Senators Cornyn and McConnell?

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  • flicka47

    I think the plan is to not run against Carley,but stick with running against Boxer…but,it did have to be acknowledged that once AGAIN the RNC is picking candidates…

    Chuck can beat Carley,if folks know that she is just now having a “come to Jesus” moment,and isn’t allowed to play sympathy vote. Sorry you’re sick,but that doesn’t make you best candidate…

    As I’m sure you know Chuck is a proven conservative…what do we know about Carley as far as what her political philosophy is??? …Not much

    It is going to be bad enough to try & beat Boxer’s war chest without having a milktoast message…

    As far as $,well that is pretty understandable,Chuck’s folks aren’t rich.We’re the ones who turned out for the Teaparties,& have never actively taken part in politics before.But everyone you talk to on the street is feeling the same.

    We just have to let them know about Chuck.And we do that by comparing him to Boxer,not Carley