
Huffington Post: Hot Links

Well, I suppose it is easier to hotlink from a smaller blog and steal their bandwidth than to upload to Flickr.

Flap has been guilty of this in the past and certainly gives attributuon – at the very least.

However, the folks over at Huffington’s Post have experience and the resources — so what is the excuse?


See the FLAP here:

Arianna, Arianna — we’re so glad you’re here. But if you want to become the celebrity darling of the InterWeb — how about not stealing and taking credit for the creative, investigative, and deliberative work from other, legitimate bloggers? Better yet, how about this: once you’ve taken an image and given no credit, why not rub salt in the wound and just go right ahead and hotlink it?

That’s right, just steal bandwidth from the little guys. We’ll roll over for you just like we were the California electorate. Just because you reportedly throw one heck of a cocktail party doesn’t mean you’ve got this internet thing licked.

And for the record – we gave you almost 24 hours to realize your mistake.

So, Arianna what’s the story?

Update #1

Instapundit says give the Newbs a break! Ok… we can cut them so slack and we can all learn about Flickr and how not to hot link without at least attribution.