Election 2008,  Politics

Howard Dean: Trolling for Hispanic Votes

Howard Dean addressed the National Association of Latino Officials yesterday in Puerto Rico and told both appointed and elected officials that the Democratic Party is losing more and more Hispanic voters to the Republicans and must cultivate them if it is to win the 2008 presidential victory.

More than 7 million Latinos — of Central and South American, Mexican, and Puerto Rican descent — voted in the 2004 presidential race.

But with each successive race, a higher percentage of the growing number of eligible Hispanics has voted for the Republican Party candidate. In 1996, there was a 51 percent gap between Sen. Robert Dole and President
Bill Clinton, who won 72 percent of the Hispanic vote. In 2004, there gap narrowed to 20 percent between
President George W. Bush and Sen.
John Kerry, who won nearly 60 percent of Hispanic votes.

To win Latinos back, “We need a 50-state strategy,” Dean told several hundred elected and appointed Hispanic officials belonging to the National Association of Latino Officials.

Now, how does this pandering for voters help Hillary Clinton’s strategy for fueling border state discontent over illegal immigration?

Does this show a sign that the Democrats will be supporting some amnesty plan for Hispanic illegal aliens?

Democrats lost Hispanic votes in the last election because the Republican Party presented itself as the party of “moral values,” said Dean, 56.

But “this (Democratic) party stands for social and economic justice,” he said, criticizing the Bush administration’s health, education, and social security policies.

“We are Democrats because of our moral values,” he said.

A majority of Hispanics are Catholics and the values of Democrats and the Roman Catholic Church coincide for the most part, he added

But, how does this moral values strategy square with the Democrat’s platform and Hillary’s stand on abortion? Tthe Democrats do NOT line up and share the same moral values with the Roman Catholic Church on abortion! Or with Gay Marriage for that matter!

The lefties have a long way to go to attract Hispanic voters who are social conservatives and naturally attracted to conservative and Republican candidates.