
Los Angeles Times: Tribune Budget Cuts Force Carroll Out

Los Angeles Times publisher Jeff Johnson, left, with managing editor Dean Baquet, middle, and editor John S. Carroll. Baquet will succeed Carroll as the paper’s editor next month

John Carroll is out as the Editor of the Los Angeles Times but will the paper benefit from a change of direction? Apparently, Carroll is leaving because of his inability or his unwillingness to impose further budget cuts and contraints on a newspaper which just five years ago was considered one of the USA’s flagship newspapers?

So, what went wrong?

Flap thinks a combination of events and mismanagement. The budget cuts imposed by corporate Tribune bosses in Chicago did not help but if you don’t have circulation and advertising revenue…..

However, the advent of the internet information revolution and the blogosphere is a stake in the heart of big wood pulp driven newspapers.

What will comprise the new media?

Well, it won’t be the newspaper and the newsroom as it currently exists.