Election 2008,  Politics

Patrick Ruffini: 2008 Straw Poll

Hugh Hewitt has Patrick Ruffini is running a straw poll for 2008. It is early, but many bloggers are participating so it will be an interesting test of cyber-savvy activists. Patrick will also be breaking down the results by referrer, which should make for some interesting comparisons among blog audiences.

The Kos Kids get to have their own straw poll, so why can’t we? At least ours are relevant!

The last time we went through this exercise, we attracted nearly half the votes as a site powered by half a million daily uniques. Not bad.

In February, it was a free-for-all with most potential candidates (“too hot”); last time it was a series of coldly calculating two-way matchups (“too cold”). For this one, I’m simulating a five-way between George Allen, Bill Frist, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain and Mitt Romney (“just right”).

Enjoy — and if you’re interested in surveying your blog’s readers on this question, feel free to link away. I’m sorting the results by referring blog.

2008 Presidential Preference:

George Allen
Bill Frist
Rudy Giuliani
John McCain
Mitt Romney


……..and for whom did Flap vote:

Rudy Giuliani

George Allen or Bill Frist would make an excellent vice-president candidate.