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Cindy Sheehan Watch: Blogger

Cindy Sheehan is blogging at Sacramento for Democracy. This is the same blog that Steven Pearcy has blogged some of his crap and events. Remember him from the U.S. in the Toilet art.

Her latest post:

Leave my family alone

I apparently am the sacrificial lamb of the peace movement. I don’t care about myself. Putting myself in the forefront and daring to challenge the president on his lies left myself open to the attacks. Which are, of course, half truths and distortions.

When they start sliming my home life and my family, that’s where I draw the line. Yes, my husband has filed for divorce and yes he filed before I left for the VFP Convention and this trip to Crawford and yes IT IS BETWEEN MY HUSBAND AND I.

Eric Hogue finds it interesting that she is blogging on a blog entitled such, she is protesting a war that is delivering Democracy to the Iraqi people.


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