
Dentistry Today: Tooth Tatoos

Photo courtesy of Toothartist.

WIST television has Art breaks into dental world with tooth tattoos.

The next time someone flashes his pearly whites at you, you might want to take a closer look, there might be a Picasso on that tooth.

Dr. Randall Turner looks inside people’s mouths for a living, but when he opens wide, “I got Superman in my mouth.”

Turner is one of hundreds of Americans wearing the work of Ron Grant, “It’s not just paint. It’s porcelain you bake on.”

The Watkinsville, Georgia, artist is the self-titled Monet of molars. From animals, to logos, to just about anything, if you want it on your tooth, Grant can make it happen.

Turner says, “People are extraordinary on what they’d like on their teeth.”

Turner’s enthusiasm for the tattoos rubbed off on six of his seven children, who also had Superman permanently baked onto their porcelain crowns.

And it’s rubbed off on about 100 of his patients, including Bob Seline, who has a biohazard sign on his molar, “I think of it as part of me, or an expression.”

An example of Ron Grant’s work:

Flap knows Dr. Turner but never really inspected his tooth tatoo………..

This is not really the bling bling effect but if it is what patients want……

H/T Baltimore Tales

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