Humour,  Politics

Vice President Dick Cheney Watch: Retiring?

U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney speaks during his keynote address to the U.S. Labor Department’s 2006 National Summit on Retirement Savings at the Willard Hotel in Washington March 2, 2006.

The LEFT could only hope……

H/T Matt Drudge

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One Comment

  • Tyler

    Hi Flap –

    The LEFT can only hope? HA! Cheney’s approval rating is at 18% and he isn’t running in 2008. The beltway Republicans would be ECSTATIC to see Cheney step down and a potential 2008 candidate such as Condi get the VP nod.

    I personally think if he steps down it would be good for the nation, as he is the pre-eminent proponent of a torture policy for the United States.

    from the Washington Post, October 26, 2005
    VICE PRESIDENT Cheney is aggressively pursuing an initiative that may be unprecedented for an elected official of the executive branch: He is proposing that Congress legally authorize human rights abuses by Americans. “Cruel, inhuman and degrading” treatment of prisoners is banned by an international treaty negotiated by the Reagan administration and ratified by the United States. The State Department annually issues a report criticizing other governments for violating it. Now Mr. Cheney is asking Congress to approve legal language that would allow the CIA to commit such abuses against foreign prisoners it is holding abroad. In other words, this vice president has become an open advocate of torture.