Liberal Morons

Bill Maher DumbASS Moron Watch: Compares ExxonMobil CEO to Terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui Bill Maher Compares ExxonMobil CEO to Terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui

HBO’s Bill Maher has made some absurd statements on his “Real Time” program in the past. But, this one made during Friday night’s installment should offend all Americans regardless of party affiliation.

In a discussion about recently sentenced terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui, Maher contended that ExxonMobil’s CEO Lee Raymond failing to warn Americans about global warming was an equal crime as Moussaoui not warning America about 9/11.

Excuse me? What possible connection exists here, Bill?

Well, there is NO connection and Maher is just a LEFTY MORON SHOCK JOCK.

Expose the Left: Maher Rationalizes Moussaoui’s Hate For America, Compares To Exxon’s Raymond (VIDEO)

On the May 5th edition of HBO’s Real Time, host Bill Maher suggested that we listen to what convicted terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui says about America. Giving his last words while being sentenced, Moussaoui said this about Americans: “you wasted an opportunity to learn why people like me have so much hatred of you. If you don’t want to hear, you will feel pain”. Maher says that Moussaoui’s remark is “absolutely, one-hundred percent true”.

I don’t know how to respond to this, I really don’t. Comparing an American businessman to a convicted terrorist that was involved with in 9/11 and a plot to run a plane into the White House. Can we just say that they hate America now?

FLASHBACK: Maher’s show, “Politically Incorrect” was cancelled in 2002 because of the following remark:

BILL MAHER: “We have been the cowards lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That’s cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, it’s not cowardly.”


Ian has it RIGHT.

But, Flap wonders why HBO tolerates this nonsense?

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