Election 2006

Election 2006 Watch: Senator Jim Talent Campaign Reports Death Threat From Claire McCaskill Blog

Claire McCaskill speaks to audience in Marshall, Missouri.

ASSociated Press: Talent campaign reports threat from Web posting

Missouri Sen. Jim Talent’s campaign on Tuesday contacted the U.S. Capitol Police to report a threatening remark made against the Republican senator by an unidentified person on his opponent’s campaign Web log.

The comment was first posted on June 9, but Talent’s campaign manager, Gregg Keller, said he did not see it until Tuesday.

Adrianne Marsh, a spokeswoman for Democratic Senate candidate Claire McCaskill, said the posting was immediately removed from McCaskill’s blog Tuesday night as soon as the campaign was made aware of it.

The comment accused Talent of “bringing out the guns” in response to McCaskill’s poll numbers and said “we need to respond with a little Dick Cheney justice, shoot him in the face, but don’t kill ’em just marr (sic) that pretty boy face of his.”

What is with these “UNHINGED” Left-Wing Nutters?

McCaskill’s blog is here.

What is more troubling is that the comment was posted on June 9th and it was not immediately removed but taken down when it was called to the McCaskill campaign’s attention.

Marsh said the campaign was trying to trace the source of the comments. She said the general public can no longer post comments to McCaskill’s blog without registering an account.

“The campaign does not endorse this language,” Marsh said. “We don’t even know how it was posted since it doesn’t even contain a handle to identify the writer.”

Perhaps the campaign should ENCOURAGE reasoned discourse instead of threatening babble.

Is this too much to ask?


Senator Jim Talent, R- Missouri

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