
Holistic Dentistry Watch: Insurers Denying Claims from Holistic Dentists

Dr. Hal Huggins, a leading Holistic Dentist, landmark book, It’s All In Your Head.

Los Angeles Times: Insurers Denying Claims from Holistic Dentists

Patients, insurers and regulators are attacking a ‘holistic’ practice that entails what they say are unnecessary extractions of teeth and bone.

Rebecca Lindsay had a toothache. Dentists told the 36-year-old Irvine woman that her dental fillings were slowly poisoning her and that she should attack the problem at the source. Her teeth had to come out.

Over the next three months, the dentists, James Shen and his wife, Rily Young of Huntington Beach, extracted nine of Lindsay’s teeth — and much of her jaw.

They didn’t stop there. They yanked 18 of her mother’s teeth after Lindsay referred her to them. “You just put your trust in doctors,” said Lindsay, a sales rep for a pharmaceutical company. “I thought, if I don’t do this, I can die.”

The treatment left Lindsay so disfigured that a new team of surgeons has since transplanted bone from her hips to reconstruct her jaw. New plastic teeth are allowing her to eat normal food. Now, she said, after years of shame about her appearance, “I am going to have to learn how to smile again.”

Lindsay and her mother, Lyndel McKay, 67, are suing the dentists for malpractice. They are among a long list of patients who have been subjected to “holistic” or “biological” dentistry, a controversial practice that urges wholesale extractions of teeth and surgery to remove “decaying jawbone.”

Read the rest here.

Holisitic or Biological dentistry is CRAP DENTISTRY that fraudulantly cheats the public and the insurance companies are justified in withholding any type of payments. The patients are justified in suing the S**T out of these dentists who fraudulantly diagnose/treat and financially take advantage of them.

Read this piece about NICO or Neuralgia Inducing Cavitational Osteonecrosis.

And where is the California Dental Board?

Well, former and RECALLED Governor Gray Davis stacked the dental board with holistic and holistic dentist apologists and enforcement stopped. With Governor Schwarzenegger this situation has been somewhat corrected but there is continuing worry about what the 2006 elections may bring.

Jerry Brown as Governor in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s appointed these same holistic dentists to the California Dental Board and is currently running for Atorney General, where he would have direct supervision over the prosecution of dental board enforcement actions. Likewise, Democrat Gubernatorial candidate and California Treasurer Phil Angelides is being supported by these same holisitc folks.

Stay tuned…….


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