Cox & Forkum,  Global War on Terror,  Iraq War

Cox & Forkum: Snow Gray


From the Scotsman: Battered Bush shows new zeal for diplomacy.

THE Bush administration has not been known for dramatic policy shifts, until last week.For while the US President was making tentative noises that Syria and Iran might have a role to play in salvaging something from the wreckage of Iraq, the previously unthinkable was already happening.

Damascus and Tehran have been talking to senior Washington diplomats and advisers about their role in creating some kind of stability in the region.

From Hamilton Spectator: Democracy in Iraq out of reach for now, Kissinger says.

Former U.S. secretary of state Henry Kissinger, a frequent adviser to President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, has concluded that the United States must choose between stability and democracy in Iraq — and that democracy, for now, is out of reach.

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