Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger Watch: Governor’s Popularity Soars But is He Governing?

Dan Walters: Governor on roll, but is it earned?

Arnold Schwarzenegger is on a big-time political roll, not only in California but globally — befitting a man who achieved worldwide fame as an action movie star.

Voters like the governor’s tireless peddling of global warming remediation and political “post-partisanship.” His approval ratings in California are once again above 60 percent. And he’s drawing fawning media attention, including the cover of Newsweek magazine and a cable television segment on an “environmentally hip” automobile makeover.

But since Democrat Governor Gray Davis’ recall what has Arnold done?

Not much besides raising a bunch of bond money for infrastructure improvements.

Has he wiped out the California state budget deficits?


Has he solved the state prison crisis?


Has he solved the California water crisis with the Sacramento Delta and California State Water Project?


Dan Walter’s asks the question: Is there any substance to Schwarzenegger’s current notoriety — any lasting benefit to the little people, as it were — or is it all about him?

From what Flap has seen it is all about him.


California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger gives the keynote address at a conference on environmental leadership at Georgetown University in Washington, April 11, 2007.

Truth is, Schwarzenegger’s governorship has been a mixed bag at best. He deserves high marks for at least taking responsibility for big, long-deadlocked issues such as prison reform, the budget deficit, water, health care, redistricting reform and infrastructure and promising to tackle the most intransigent of them all — K-12 education — next year. But in truth, he’s only delivered, at least so far, on infrastructure and then only partially. The global warming legislation that he touts so vociferously is mostly symbolism and would, unto itself, have little impact, even if one accepts the potentially apocalyptic scenario that he and others embrace.

Flap suggests that the governor get his ASS back to California and start governing.

What the people giveth they can taketh away and right now the Governator isn’t cutting it.

If Arnold wants some hints on what to do:

1. Solve the multi-billion state budget deficit – quit rolling it over from year to year.

2. Build more state prisons – before they are taking over by the federal courts.

3. Lead the charge for a Peripheral Canal and Sacramento Delta Levee improvement to provide more water to southern California.

4. Initiate California healthcare reform especially for illegal aliens who are bankrupting the Medical budgets and forcing the close of emergency rooms.

5. Show some leadership on illegal immigration

6. Manage the infrastructure bond money that was recently approved by voters so that there is some immediate relief to traffic-burdened Californians.

Governor there is plenty to do here in California. It may not be a grand tour promoting environmental activism and it may be difficult politically but the voters of California deserve your attention.

If not – go back to Hollywood.



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President 2008 Watch: California Moves Presidential Primary Election to February 5, 2008

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Arnold Schwarzenegger Watch: Pre Post-Partisanship Tapes

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