Giuliani Notes,  President 2008,  Rudy Giuliani

Giuliani Notes: Rudy 33% McCain 19% Thompson 13% Romney 12%


Rasmussen Reports: 2008 Republican Presidential Primary

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Arizona Senator John McCain both gained support this week in the race for the GOP nomination. Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney held steady and remain the only other Republicans earning double digit support.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of the Republican Presidential Primary competition finds Giuliani at 33%, fourteen points ahead of McCain’s 19%. Thompson is still in third at 13% slightly ahead of Romney at 11%. For Giuliani, that’s his highest level of support in three weeks. It’s McCain’s best showing since early March. Last week, it was Giuliani 27% McCain 16% Thompson 14% and Romney 12%.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was consistently in third place before Thompson’s name was thrown into the ring. He is now in fifth place as and is the top choice for just 8% of those likely to vote in a Republican Primary.


Rudy – 33%

McCain – 19%

Thompson – 13%

Romney – 12%

Gingrich – 8%


Rudy continues a double digit lead and there is a sense of “inevitablility” in the air for the GOP nomination. None of the other candidates are catching fire.

When will the lower tier candidates start to drop?

Probably after the May 3rd Presidential debate at the Reagan Library.


The Rudy Giuliani Files

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