John McCain,  President 2008

John McCain Has As Much a Chance to Win the Presidency as Bob Dole


This is the straight truth. John McCain if nominated by the GOP has zero chance to win the Presidency.

Republican voters must reflect on whether they want a 72 year old standard bearer who will run against a younger generation candidate like Barack Obama.

The GOP will have a difficult time as it is. But, with McCain as the nominee, the Republican Party will meet with certain defeat.


  • Flap

    Yes, I saw this video. But, I have refrained from posting it out of respect for the grieving parents of sons killed in the Iraq War.

    It is one thing for the Mayor to be at a Veteran’s memorial service and have it televised or taped as a new event.

    My posting of this could be considered by some as crass politicization of the parent’s grief.

    So, I haven’t.

  • Dennis

    I see that there is a new Strategic Vision Poll on Florida with McCain up by 7 on Huckabee and 9 on Rudy. What the Hell is going on!

  • Flap

    I saw this one last night and it was taken pre-MI results.

    Rudy has to create more BUZZ about his campaign or he WILL lose it all (in about two weeks). The campaign has not done a good job in their television ads and their marketing program.

    Their strategy may be correct but their execution is poor. I am surprised an executive that touts accountability with statistics would be content with such a dramatic fall in the polls.

    Why hasn’t he fought to regain momentum?

    Why is he letting Ron Paul beat him?

    The campaign would have to be graded a D- so far.

    They can still resurrect his candidacy but they better move fast.

  • Dennis

    I suppose you make good points. I have attempted to look at when his poll numbers began to slide. It seems to me that the slide began with the hit piece by on the use of securtiy for Rudy’s trips to see Judith. Of course the story was ultimately debunked, but his campaign did little to make the fact news.

    It seems to me that voters may have turned to McCain because he is a known quantity ( although I have never cared for the man ). What a shame if Rudy fails. He was an outstanding US Attorney; an even better mayor; and he would be our next great president.

  • Flap

    Well, it is not over yet. He can still pull it out. But, he has to work and turn it around quickly.

    I am really surprised with his inaction and lack of aggressiveness. Doing a tour bus in Florida is not the old Giuliani I am used to seeing.

    Get on the national news and tell the public how you will do the job better than Bush and the rest of the GOP field. Hit national radio every day on a variety of shows. Do Imus, Stern, Mahr and all of the rest. Not some local channel in San Diego.

    Use his star persona to market himself. Use Trump, Dennis Miller, Robert Duvall.

    He should have come out after that Politico story and Kerick and set the record straight.

    He slow played both and got burned.

    He has had plenty of time to adjust and he hasn’t.

    Rudy is running out of time.